House Design

5 Problems That Designer Teeth Veneers Will Eliminate

You are hopefully aware that your dentists are there for more than just pulling out rotten teeth and filling those that can be saved. In fact, they offer a whole range of services and use a number of different treatments and procedures depending on what their patient requires.

Obviously, a lot of their work will relate to oral health, but they also do cosmetic dentistry too, which is the means by which teeth and gums are made to look better. This kind of work can range from whitening teeth to fitting dental implants, and there are even dentists who will etch tattoos on your teeth if you ever want your smile to truly stand out from the crowd.

On a less extreme level than having your teeth tattooed, one of the treatments that your dentist might recommend for you is veneers. These are made from ceramic material, which in most cases is porcelain. They are applied to the surface of teeth and can be used to treat several different issues and eradicate a number of problems as you see from what follows.

#1 Gaps Between Teeth

One of the most common reasons why patients approach their dentist for cosmetic dentistry, and veneers in particular, is their having large gaps between their teeth and wanting those gaps to be gone. Apart from the self-conscious aspect of knowing the gap is visible when they smile, people with gaps can find it more difficult to clean their teeth effectively due to food getting stuck in those gaps.