
Sotheby’s Auction

A few weeks ago several Art Renewal Center people met in New York to view some 19th century paintings being auctioned off later that week. There was a lot of amazing stuff to be seen there including some artists I had not been aware of. Here are a few highlights of what I saw there.


Sargent Murals

John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) is best known for his portraits, but I have been interested to discover that he did quite a number of public murals, some of them at the very end of his life. They are quite a contrast in style from his more famous work. Here are a few examples.


More on Bouguereau

Brian Shapiro recently pointed out that the Bouguereau I posted last week was incomplete (the feet were cut off) and he was right! Here’s what the whole thing looks like. It has a nicer color than the one I found as well. Thanks Brian!

Along the way I also found the following pair of Bouguereau studies on the same site…


Carpeaux Goodies

Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux (1827-1875) has long been one of my favorite sculptors, and therefore I think it’s fitting that I feature him in the first sculpture posting here. One of my favorite Carpeaux sculptures is The Triumph of Flora, but I never knew where it was located…


German Romantics

I have long found Caspar David Friedrich’s (1774-1840) paintings to have a certain haunting quality that is hard to put my finger on, and when I was doing some additional research on his work I found a few of his fellow Germans of the same era with a similar kind of quality. Here are a few of them…


Dewing Reposts

Another artist I posted a series of examples of in a previous incarnation of this blog of Thomas Wilmer Dewing (1851-1938) paintings. Since these are relatively hard to come by, I thought I would repost them here again so that they will stay alive on the Net.


Gotch Revived

In an earlier version of my blog, I posted a collection of Thomas Cooper Gotch (1854-1931) paintings that along the way got lost in the shuffle. In order to prevent them from being lost to the Net, I thought I would post them again.


Edward Poynter Discoveries

Another artist I have had an eye out for for years is Edward Poynter (1836-1919), and I managed to find some interesting images I thought I would share with you all. One is a wonderful finished painting and the other is a study the demonstrates how thoroughly artists like Poynter understood anatomy and used that knowledge to make their paintings. No doubt David Hockney fans would claim that this proves that Poynter had an X-ray machine.


Illustrators Galore!


Some Obscure Finds

I did some digging for interesting turn of the century (and a little after) artists and came up with a few nice tidbits to share. The Blashfield Angel with The Flaming Sword is a little reminiscient of VonStuck’s painting with the same theme. I have been looking for more Elihu Vedder works for a while and one of them was among my finds…